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As learning is the premise of information, education is the structure from which data flows. 2. The data or ability obtained or developed by a learning process. 4. The sphere of examine that is concerned with the pedagogy of instructing and learning. 2. (Education) the data or training acquired by this process: his education has been invaluable to him. 3. (Education) the act or strategy of imparting data, esp at a college, faculty, or university: education is my occupation.
4. (Education) the speculation of instructing and learning: a course in education. 2. the act or strategy of imparting or acquiring explicit data or abilities, as for a occupation. 3. a degree, stage, or sort of schooling: a school education. Sapirstein, a psychologist, used this simile to introduce a discussion in regards to the educational impulse and its relationship to the educational process.
But the folks must be made one, and …
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